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Friday Five: Finding a Way

This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's something you've been unable to find? An easy way to make good money.

  2. How's your sense of direction? Pretty decent. Probably average if I'm somewhere foreign.

  3. How good are you at sitting still? Pretty good; I'm not a really fidgety person.

  4. What's something your parents always said you needed to get better at? Saving money.

  5. In what way are you a better person today than you were ten years ago? Probably in every way because I have more perspective now. I truly believe that your 20s are for fucking up and your 30s are for fixing what you fucked up in your 20s. At 31, I'm far more patient, compassionate, empathetic, responsible, diplomatic, ambitious, determined, open-minded, and rational than I ever was at 21.

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