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My writing journey and why the Universe wants me to write

Writing is something I have always loved. It's something that ensures I can express what I'm feeling. It also helps me to express the things I find hard explaining. Writing is everything to me and it's something I couldn't imagine my life without. In today's post I'd like to share my writing journey with you. I really hope you enjoy reading this piece of editorial - be sure to comment below. I adore hearing from you.

My writing journey began in the Autumn of 2013. After moving to the seaside town I am currently residing in, due to an unhappy school life in my previous area, I was then diagnosed with Gallstones and was homeschooled as a result, I didn't have many friends and it was a harsh, cold winter - I didn't have much to do other than read. Reading comforted me and made me feel whole, it was a way I could escape everything and get transported to a different world. I can remember the day I Googled 'Free books book reviewer' very clearly. And I can remember scrolling through the search results as I stumbled across a teen book club for The Guardian. I sent off an email explaining why I wanted to become a book reviewer for them and waited patiently for the reply which took about one week. Since that day on, writing has been my life and I wouldn't change a thing. A few weeks after writing book reviews for The Guardian's Teen Book club, I was hooked on writing and wanted to write about more than just the books I was reading, so I decided to start a blog. The Perks of Mollie Quirk was then born at the end on New Years Eve 2013.

After writing my blog for around four months, I received an email from a man who ran an online Fashion magazine, he asked if I would write for him as he thought the style of my writing was professional and something he wanted to feature within his magazine - I snapped the opportunity up within seconds and before I knew it I was submitting my first article - he loved it. I then wrote regularly for his magazine, submitting style guides, fashion forecasts and analysing the catwalk; I just couldn't stop writing. I then got the opportunity to attend London Fashion Week in the Autumn of 2014, which was an incredible experience and one I won't forget in a hurry. The whole experience of writing for an online magazine, attending showcases, meeting designers and writing about the latest trends and collections made my love for both fashion and writing even stronger. I then stopped writing for the online magazine so I could concentrate on my blog and start college. At this point, I dreamt of becoming a fashion journalist or fashion photographer. I was undertaking a photography course and fell in love with the world of media. After getting an A in Photography and good grades in other subjects, I was in the midst of applying for A-Level courses. I had my heart set on undertaking a fashion photography A-Level along with Sociology and English Language or Law after being offered a place on this selection of A-Levels, I was then offered an interview on a Level 3 Media Course, I went on a whim and fell in love with the course structure and content - I accepted the place with no thinking needed.

Fast forward to the present day- it's now 2017, I'm mid-way through the final year of my Media Course, which is absolutely amazing and has given me some wonderful opportunities, I passed the first year of the course with Distinction* Distinction and I applied for University in December - (something which I never thought I would do in a million years) AND I got offered a place for Journalism BA(Hons)! But why Journalism? Well, I honestly couldn't tell you anything other than because I love it and because I have the biggest passion for it imaginable. Writing is something I know I need to be doing, I don't know why and I don't quite know how it all came about - I was all set to become a singer back in 2012. I had been offered a recording contract, I was taking part in several talent shows and doing really well with it all, but one year later, writing kind of took over and I've never looked back. I'm so grateful for writing, I'm so grateful that I'm good at it and I'm so grateful that it's something that the universe clearly wants me to undertake. I don't know what I'd be doing if it wasn't for the last few months of 2013 spiralling me into the world of writing. I doubt I'd have applied for University and I doubt I'd be doing anything uber exciting.

I believe that writing has saved me through my hardest times. If you're going through a tough time, if you don't quite know what to do with your life or if you've got a million and one things to say but just can't express yourself - WRITE. Write until your hands ache. Write until you've written all you can think of. Whether its about fashion, beauty, films, music, the media, maths, history or sports - just write and don't stop until you've fulfilled your goals and wildest dreams.

I have high hopes, massive dreams and huge aspirations of becoming a successful fashion journalist and I will do absolutely ANYTHING to ensure my dreams become reality. I won't give up and I won't stop until I'm the editor of a fashion magazine.. just watch this space.

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